Sapient Social & Environmental Enterprises

Netherlands Amsterdam, North Holland Ferdinand Huyckstraat 62

  • Sales, Business Development, Business Consulting
  • Marketing and PR, Advertising and Creative Media Jobs
  • Administrative office management jobs

Company Detail

Sapient Social & Environmental Enterprises (Sapient Social & Environmental Enterprises, Registration address Ferdinand Huyckstraat 62, 1061 HW Amsterdam,Netherlands. KvK number: NL003086833B55 ) (the “Company”) operates an official LinkedIn website (URL). Visiting this website, you can leave your data in different ways, e.g. posting comments, pictures, video or performing other activity by yourself. Sapient will never use this information in any other way that participation on the website. LinkedIn collects your personal data while you are visiting the website. The various aspects of LinkedIn data privacy can be found at the following link There is information related to the types of collected information, the purposes of data processing, your rights, data protection settings and other important information. The company has no influence to use and processing of personal data by the operator of the social media network. Be aware, that LinkedIn might use tracking technologies on its platform collecting your personal preferences for various purposes.

Current Opening

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