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Film Trainee Finder Lead

  • IT, Software development, System Engineering Jobs
  • Sales, Business Development, Business Consulting
  • Marketing and PR, Advertising and Creative Media Jobs
  • Education, Training, Teaching, Science Jobs


  • Work closely with the Film Team Manager and HETV managers to ensure all tracked and FSF paying productions are contacted regarding trainee opportunities, well in advance of principal photography.
  • Lead on monitoring of the deliverables ensuring timelines and agreed delivery budgets are on track ensure all deliverables are met and on time.
  • Manage effective and professional relationships with industry training providers.
  • Proactively engage with external stakeholders such as Producers, Line Producers, Heads of Department to forecast trainee requirements.
  • Manage the tender processes for all relevant Film Skills fund activity.
  • Lead on contracting in collaboration with the funds team for successful applications, with a focus on ensuring robust deliverables and targeted milestones and suitable budgets are in place.
  • Lead the departments tracking and monitoring obligations for the Film Skills fund and ensure all paperwork and reports relating to tracking are delivered as agreed in the training provider contracts.
  • Plan and manage recruitment campaigns for trainees, ensuring the profile of trainees on the Trainee Finder database reflects and responds to industry’s needs.
  • Support productions and trainees in the development and completion of trainee plans.
  • Liaise with productions taking on trainees, to monitor the development of trainees placed with them.
  • Develop innovative approaches to specifically improving the diversity profile of applicants to Trainee Finder.
  • Contribute to the development of ‘feeder’ initiatives that nurture diverse talent and prepare people for work readiness.
  • Plan and manage added value development opportunities for trainees on the scheme, enhancing their employability.
  • Work collaboratively across teams to share industry intelligence, and join up activities.
  • Contribute to the future development of Trainee Finder and supporting bids for public and private investment.
  • Manage the Trainee Finder Film database and the day to day placement of trainees.
  • Provide internal and external reporting on Trainee Finder as required.
  • Represent ScreenSkills at external events to promote Trainee Finder.


  • Experience and knowledge of the Film industry including production needs, timescales and departments.
  • Effective positive human relations skills including tact, diplomacy, and ability to work with all levels of staff and leadership.
  • Ability to develop and maintain partnerships and relationships.
  • Proactive and high-level communication and administration skills.
  • Solid experience of managing talent databases &/or recruiting talent.
  • Strong initiative.
  • Strong people skills.
  • Knowledge of different marketing methodologies.
  • Experience of using a content management system such as word press.
  • Knowledge of ScreenSkills’ portfolio and opportunities.
  • Experience of new entrant training programmes.
  • Good team player, but happy to lead on own work area.
  • Strong professional image.
  • Excellent IT skills across Microsoft Office including word and advanced excel.
  • Excellent problem solver and can do attitude.
  • Customer services training

Hard Skills

  • Microsoft Office
  • Word processing
  • Database and Queries
  • Customer relations
  • Advanced Excel Skills (queries, pivot tables, formulas, macros)
  • Relationship building
  • Digital marketing campaigns
  • Content Creation and Management
  • Learning and development

Soft Skills

  • Communication
  • Listening
  • Team player
  • Self-motivated
  • Enthusiastic